Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not so bad

Sorry to be depressing the other day, it was a rough one. Today is good though, I'm at work right now using the internet, impressive I know...
I cut my hair, don't remember if I ever mentioned that. I got it cut at a small shop in someone's house when I was visiting another volunteer near Antigua. It's definitely a lot easier with the heat.

The Park Project is coming along nicely, they just finished repairing the concrete benches and wall. I hope to paint another mural with the kids in the coming weeks. at least now it will be clean and safer than before. Other than that I plan on doing a lot of yoga, reading, and drawing this month. I am also planning on meeting Octavio in the Peten right after 4th of July and going to see Tikal!
In local news here we had another small earthquake tremor Sunday, there have been road blocking protests all over the country, and the President is still under investigation for allegedly being involved and/or ordering the murder of 3 people.

Peace, Love,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Missing home today

So this morning was just one of those days where I felt like I just really didn't want to get out of bed, and then when I do I realize I probaly never should have anyway. Because of the rain my clothes aren't dry, there is a leak in my bathroom from a crack in the ceiling and it's now full of water, I had some really aweful dreams and hardly slept at all to begin with (I have a lot of sleeping problems here actually), my house is a disaster because I've been away so much and still don't have time to clean it, there is a huge spider in my living room/kitchen that I tried to kill but it ran away and now I don't know where it is or if it's still alive and whenever I touch anything I am constantly in fear of it attacking me (which I know is slightly ridiculous but is also another reason I don't want to clean), the light infront of my house went out and noone is here to fix it, I'm broke but that's normal, and to top it all off I woke up at 4:30 am to put my trash out and they never came by so when I found it this morning to leave for work it was a mess in the street from the chuchos and with flies everywhere (sooooo gross....). Aparently they posted that they wouldn't have trash service today in the bulletin board in the catholic church yesterday afternoon, which obviously I should have checked because I go there all the time... (sarcasm.)
Hesus... what a morning. Can I go back to bed now?

We all have days like this sometimes.

Love, Peace,

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hey guys, I'm alive and well. The earthquake 7.1 scale tremor happened while I was in Honduras and the ruines with Amanda (1st non family visitor!!! Hope more of you are thinking about it). But don't let the tremor scare you off, it was strong but Jocotan and the rest of the volunteers are fine. Amanda's trip went well I think overall, although it is hard to come to a country and travel without understanding hardly anyone around you. I think I've forgotten how much I've had to adjust.
ok I gtg for now, hopefully I'll add onto this post later.

Peace, Love,