Saturday, February 7, 2009

Christian Parents Politics

ok the title will throw you off a little, especially if you know my dad is Jewish, haha. This weekend the big news has been that 1. My parents and friend Susan are coming Thursday and I am SO EXCITED. We're traveling all around and it's going to be great. As a result of them coming I got back on the issue of having no furniture and in the end have comondiered (sp?) many cynderblocks and 10x1 ft. boards which I got cut and sanded. It's somewhat rustic and I just made everything out of it, bookshelves, desk, dresser, closet, countertops, everything I could think of. Never again in my life will ALL my furniture ever match quite so well. But it's great getting my stuff off the floor and giving the spiders more surface area to house themselves. So mom, dad, susan, this is for you...
and number 2 is that I met a RPCV (Return Peace Corp Volunteer) named Christian. He was stationed in Jocotán in 2002-2004 working with agriculture. Him and his Australian girlfriend and here visiting for 2 weeks. It's great to hear about the other volunteers before me and what can become of you post-peace corps. He's come back to visit 3 times!
and lastly, oh politics, well remember that meeting I had with CIJJ with all the NGOs to get support for our wonderful projects. Well noone from Jocotán showed up! I did all this work, and National and Departmental agencies came, but not one agency directly working here in Jocotan... At first I was mad, until it was explained the next day that they can't support my group because supposedly one of the leaders is going to run against the mayor in the next election and is using it as part of his platform. It's just messy and upseting that politics can ruin such a good cause. Well I guess I'm over it now, and I´m going to work with both groups because I am apolitical, but I can't be associated with this potential canidate directly... So that's life.
Lots of furniture, great meeting Christian, and a "not quite as great as my encounter with Obama", political experience. Wish me luck for the next week. I hope to have photos of my home updates sometime soon.

Peace, Love,

1 comment:

ncarolina said...

It's Thursday! Hope everybody arrives safely, and Happy Valentine's Day to everybody - my favorite holiday! Do they celebrate it in Guatemala? It's also American Heart Month. Wishing everybody heart healthy thoughts to keep 'er tickin' a long long time!