Tuesday, February 24, 2009

After the Rents

So you haven't heard from me in a while because the Parents were here and I didn't use my time blogging away on the internet. But no worries I'm back. I start the mural in the Library this week and have work to catch up on from being gone. The vacation was a nice break and its been a little difficult to get back in the swing of things. One nice thing is I have a camera once again so I can maybe upload some more pictures as things go on. There is a lot to say about the trip, every hotel, ruin site, boat ride, ect. was amazing and I'm glad to finally share it with someone back state-side, but the truth is the whole week I felt like a tourist here. Its kind of ackward to feel like a tourist where you live.. and I'm not complaining about living like a tourist at all because I was far better off, but I have to say one of the things I enjoy most about this experience is really being a part of Guatemala, knowing the people here and being involved in the everyday life. Thats just something you can't show anyone when they visit for vacation. As I said it was still an amazing trip, but glad to be "home."

Peace, Love,

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