While going to Jalapa to spend it with other volunteers and speak english was amazing, many of my friends here asked me about the holiday and the food so I redid the whole thing yesterday (it had to be on a Thursday still :P). I didn't tell many people but 2 weeks ago I was in the hospital here for breathing complications, first to my local health center, then to Chiquimula central, then to Guate the capital. It was a little scarey but now I am doing much better. I aparently now acompany my former PC Muni volunteers as we have all 3 been transported in the ambulance (yes they told me about your high blood pressure, Drew). Anyway I was lucky enough to have the support of several friends during this time that came and visited me in the hospital, watched over my house, and called to check up on me. So I invited them to Thanksgiving and told them about the first pilgram/native american story that I've been told and how I wanted to thank them for everything and share this very strange food with them (they were slightly dissappointed there were no tortillas). Then every one of them said something they were thankful for as well and we ate until our pants busted, haha.
I hope you all had a great thanksgiving as well! Here's a picture of the Thanksgiving in Jalapa.
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