Number 1, it's my brother Eric's Birthday, so happy birthday big guy, although not sure that he actually reads my blog :P
Number 2, it is my offical anniversary of being a sworn-in Peace Corps Volunteer here in my site. 1 year baby!!!
Number 3, The celebration of All Saints Day, which is huge here in Guatemala. Our traditions of ghosts and spiders of halloween are replaced with flowers and good food. Last year for this special day I went to Santiago to see the GIANT kites they hand make and fly from the cliff of the cementary, which was amazing. This year I went to Todos Santos, Huehuetenango to see the drunken horse races and town fair, which was even more memorable, mainly because we arrived soaking wet, in the back of a pick up, to a town with no electricity and flooding. But don't worry, it got a lot better after that with a nice halloween party and the festivities in the town. I even got a ride back from the Ambassador which definately beat taking the pickup in the rain again! I'm trying to upload photos now to webshots.
Well November begins my new and last year of year of peace corps. I say goodbye to some fellow volunteers that are leaving and am planning the welcome party for the new ones that just came in. Work is going well, at least i feel very busy and I've been visiting more villages lately. Still working on book donations for the library and have proposed a building renovation project to the Muni for the next year.
Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween and keep in touch!
Peace, Love,
- Robin
Glad you weren't in the drunken horse race yourself!!! Last year everything was a first for you to be gone from us -- and, now, this year, each holiday will be your last to be away from home...This truck to ambassador's car experience will be great topic of lunch and Dockside stories here in Colonial Beach...Everyone asks me if you like it there and if you are okay...I am glad to say yes and read her blog to understand the Guatemala PC lifestyle. We are so very proud of you and feel the person you are has made us better people here in the US of A.
Hi Kiddo,I'm here to say just a quick Hi and that I'm very proud of you.Mrs. Denson told me about your blog.Your contribution to cultural exchange is so commendable!Don't let those Art skills get rusty, I hope you're drawing at least alittle bit every week.I'm very busy as usual but I'll try and
keep in touch every month or so.Remember my typing skills are poor on a very good day Ha Ha. All the Best, RSHunter
Hi Robin,
I love to read your blog and am so proud of your service in the Peace Corps. Each time I see your mom, I ask about you and she has thorough updates. What a wonderful experience you are having and I'm sure you will cherish it forever. Enjoy your time there and take good care!
Thanks everyone for your support! and I am trying to draw when possible, but somehow seem to get busy often even though I don't have much of a schedule
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