Well I meant to write earlier than this but last week I felt pretty bad with a sinus infection and stayed in bed taking Benydrl for 2 days, then went to Peace Corps for a VAC meeting. My birthday was fairly low key but the Friday before my co-workers at the Muni had a cook-out and we went swimming at a private house that had natural hot spring pools. It was nice and the BBQ chicken was amazing! Another co-worker (Julio from Treasury) has his birthday the day after mine so we celebrated together. Then on Saturday I went to Chiquimula to shop some and see a movie but they were only playing one I had just seen and "The Orphan" which is scary/stupid so instead I watched Happy Gilmore at my house.
Sunday (the 27th) I went to a really good Soccer game in Jocotan, we played Livingston and won 2-0 in the last 15 minutes! Octavio came to visit as well and as his birthday is the 28th we celebrated together and did a hike in San Juan Ermita (where Kristy the closest volunteer lives). We hiked to a village named Buena Vista, which means "Good View" and it lives up to its name! We went searching for Pre-hispanic paintings done on the side of these huge rock formations; however, we never actually found them although maybe we did and didn't know it... but the view was worth it anyway. :)
The week passed by quickly with me being sick, and the Volunteer Council meeting was very successful. The birthday celebration continued further into this weekend when on Saturday most of the volunteers in the Oriente all met at a Water park. We were also celebrating the end of service for several volunteers, and just really enjoyed a good day in the sun with slides and the lazy river. Then we all came back to my house for Spaghetti and Strawberry cake, yummmm
Today it's back to work, trying to get a list together of book requests and soliciting help. Wednesday I have a presentation in a village on Community Group Organization and Responsabilities which I need to prepare for. I am also trying to start up an art class at the local orphanage so I will be meeting with the Director sometime this week as well.
As always thanks for reading and all your support!!!
Peace, Love,
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