Hey sorry I have't posted in a while. I am currently at the Peace Corps office again. I have been away from my site for a while because of a Volunteer training, 4th of July, and a week of Spanish classes. The Spanish classes were pretty rough, mainly because subjunctive tenses don't exist in english I think... but very useful as well. It seems like I've been here at the office forever and I am ready to go home although I am fairly certian going home means encountering the spiders that have infested my house while I was away. These spiders I now know are Brown Reclouse (sp?) and dangerous. I brought a dead one back to the medical office to get it identified, no worries I have Raid.
In other news Micheal Jackson died, which has been a severe loss for the country of Guatemala and they now mourn this loss with lots of his music, which I suppose is happening in the US too. We did jam out to some of it at the All-Volunteer 4th of July Party, which was awesome although it didn't have fireworks.
My work is coming along, as the park is now finishing up thanks to the help of Outreach for World Hope and their volunteers. I am nor trying to solocite Small Project Assistance (SPA)funds for training our community groups. I know very little about grant writing and expect the process to be very slow. This month is our town Fair though so I don't think much will get done until afterwards.
Hope everyone is doing good, and I can't wait to come home to visit!!!
Peace, Love,
I had a spider bite that took weeks, no months, to heal after our visit! Can't wait to see you!
I had a spider bite that took weeks, no months, to heal after our visit! Can't wait to see you!
I am still getting over a spider bite I got 3 months ago,just a normal old spider. If you get bitten as it might be a brown recluse, go right to the doctor. If you want to see what brown recluses do, google it, it's really gross. Don't worry about being green, use lots of that Raid.
Glad to hear you are getting some things accomplished, finished up that is, you sound a lot less frustrated. Take care...
Robin...Hello! I have been following your blog for sometime now...I am a friend of Liz Garrison, of LaVergne TN. I am not sure if she knows you directly, or through someone else, but she told me about your experience and said I might be interested in following your blog. Sure enough, you are living the life I hope to be living SOON! I am in my 3rd year of university in TN, but at this moment am taking a semester off. I am in Argentina, studying for a semester. I have been here since May and will return in Decemeber to the states. I am majoring in Elem. Edu. and with spanish along with other languages I hope to pursue after spanish, I hope to live a life very similar to the one you are living. I am wondering about your program...can you tell me what your TITLE is, if that exists, how you became involved in PC, etc...Any info would be very helpful...do I need to finish school to join PC, can I choose where I go in the world, will I always be alone or are there groups, what kind of work do you do etc. etc...My email is LyndsayM123@hotmail.com if you would like to email me and we can keep in touch that way!
Te mando un abrazo grande!
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