Thursday, June 4, 2009

Missing home today

So this morning was just one of those days where I felt like I just really didn't want to get out of bed, and then when I do I realize I probaly never should have anyway. Because of the rain my clothes aren't dry, there is a leak in my bathroom from a crack in the ceiling and it's now full of water, I had some really aweful dreams and hardly slept at all to begin with (I have a lot of sleeping problems here actually), my house is a disaster because I've been away so much and still don't have time to clean it, there is a huge spider in my living room/kitchen that I tried to kill but it ran away and now I don't know where it is or if it's still alive and whenever I touch anything I am constantly in fear of it attacking me (which I know is slightly ridiculous but is also another reason I don't want to clean), the light infront of my house went out and noone is here to fix it, I'm broke but that's normal, and to top it all off I woke up at 4:30 am to put my trash out and they never came by so when I found it this morning to leave for work it was a mess in the street from the chuchos and with flies everywhere (sooooo gross....). Aparently they posted that they wouldn't have trash service today in the bulletin board in the catholic church yesterday afternoon, which obviously I should have checked because I go there all the time... (sarcasm.)
Hesus... what a morning. Can I go back to bed now?

We all have days like this sometimes.

Love, Peace,


ncarolina said...

I can finally get to your blog again. Yesterday we cut down a tree in our yard and found an empty bird nest in it, which we set in an old flower pot. Later that evening this dove kept hanging around, flying back&forth. We got a ladder and put the nest back in the tree she was in, but then we realized she had had tiny babies which we found in the grass, dead of course. It really made for a sad day. Sorry you had a bad day. Here is a brighter image from The Girls of Riyadh, "...the sun biscuit dipped into the cup of sea..."Or how about an interesting phrase I heard this a.m. on NPR interview of a Zambian(?) reggae musician Mika Zula(sp?) the effect that.. if you live in an air conditioned world you have air conditioned thoughts, and air conditioned thoughts do not apply to the ghetto...

ncarolina said...

Did you get the fanny pack? I sent it around the time you were away so I am wondering. It's a better day for the doves - looks like we have been forgiven and they are going to rebuild in the oak where we put their nest.

Robin said...

I did get your package! Thanks a lot for the fanny-pack, I promise I am doing everything under my will to not get robbed again. Glad you can read the blog again too, and I know how you feel about computers which is why I didn't bring one with me here.
Also, no there is no air conditioning here, and I would have to say that my thoughts probably are swayed by that fact.
Keep cool.