Sunday, October 12, 2008


Now the news of the week... so yesterday I was robbed on the bus to Antigua. There are 100 people on these buses and I was crammed up against everyone and had an over the shoulder small bag on. The crappiest part was that this day of all days I was taking the rest of my american dollars to go exchange them so whoever took my stuff now owns the most amazing camera I´ve ever had and $100 american dollars. I hate my life. Not really, but I just keep replaying it, I feel so stupid for not noticing. I think I can ever remember feeling something and thinking it was nothing just because there were so many people. I was pretty sad about it yesterday but I´m trying to brush it off because it was bound to happen sometime. I really did like that camera... well now I have to report it to the Peace Corps but I don´t think they can really do much. The money was for my site visit this coming week, aparently the volunteer there wants to sell me all his stuff (a frig, table, chairs, pots, bed, everything) for Q1,000 which is a pretty great deal, so now I just have to work out something with Peace Corp maybe loaning me the money in advance of my next payment. Not too much of a problem its just crappy that it was the last of my cash.
Tomorrow I meet my counterpart which I´m excited about, and I can´t wait to visit my site. Drew (the volunteer I´m replacing) has a lot planned and only had good things to say about the site.
I played basketball today, which was awesome becuase it was finally semi-temperate and no rain. We play pick-up games in the park, normally not too many girls play, but Marisha went with my this time. I´m not the greatest but better than even some of the guys, its easier since their all short. It was nice to get some excercise and meet some more people. I´m going to be pretty sad to leave here, I am finally feeling somewhat comfortable although my spanish still has a long way to go.
ok, nada mas for now.
Peace and Love, especially to all those purse stealers....


ncarolina said...

I'm really sorry to hear about your theft experience. It sucks and there really isn't anything anybody can say to make it better, but it does fade. When I was 14 in downtown Baltimore a group of girls tried to rob me and my girlfriends right in the open. I got punched & then stumbled into traffic so they actually didn't get my bag, but did my friends',and then the hippies at the Bead Experience (long gone of course) helped me as I was all shook up. I had my house robbed a long time ago. It's true that it feels bad knowing somebody rotten was touching your stuff let alone taking it-they were stupid too, took the costume jewelry, missed the 1 good thing I actually owned. Also have had bikes stolen from 3rd floor apt balcony! Sorry you had this major aggravation so early on but your site sounds great. I'll hold off writing until you know your new address.

robinsmom said...

The worst thing about being robbed is that it takes away your trust. That's also the best thing, because you will naturally be more protective of your valuable than ever. Insurance doesn't give back your real loss is what I mean. Believing in people and loving people is what you are best at, so I hope that isn't diminished in any real way!