<- (My co-volunteers making peanut butter)
Today was better than any birthday ever because I finally got mail. 5 letters and a big box that is going to suck to bring on the bus but its cool. I also got strawberry cake with chocolate icing that John, another volunteer, made for his host sisters birthday after I suggested how awesome it was. It was probably the best day ever. There were also Cooler Ranch Doritos in the box, which might last for approximently 2 days, haha. One thing that I've learned here is that I came searching to find a place where I could shed all the stuff in life that I didn't need, but I've found that a basic need is having some of the things around you that you really love and enjoy, and without them, to completely remove yourself from them wont' make you happy either. I think there are things in life that are extra, and possibly unessicary for survival but that make you more comfortable and are important to hold on to. Doing without things always makes us appreciate what we have, and thats part of why working with the people here is so rewarding. They do without things and therefor appreciate the work we do and who we are, more for it. This is another part of why I chose to be here, and probably one of the most gratifying things is the friendship and kindness of host country nationals. Keep sending letters, because possibly in another 4 weeks I'll have a day like this again.
Peace and Love.
PS I put more photos on webshots, check it out.
Glad you had a great birthday! Funny about shedding things. I once tossed a box of childhood collected seashells into the brush behind my apartment building. 2 years later in another state of being returned to the scene and retrieved most of them. A little more weatherized and back on the shelf.
Hi Robin, looking forward to reading all of your blog comments. Just wanted to say hi for now from your neighbors in CB.
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