Semana Santa was celebrated as always with alfombras, processions, carnival food, and good friends. I finally got a chance to see Tikal, the most famous of mayan ruines in Guatemala. I went with several friends and another volunteer. We hiked, camped, and swam a lot. Mean while, since noone works for semana santa, the computers have been held up at port until this week. I spent all of the week before semana santa freaking out trying to get everything together just to have it all halted completely for a whole other week, but that's just the way it goes here. Anyway I think the pick-up date is scheduled for this Friday now. I'll send updates and pictures as soon as they are here.
The mayor didn't come to work today, surprise surprise, so most of the things I need to get done are waiting on his desk. This month we have many many communities to go to for voting in the new COCODE representatives, but I'm nervous after my Brava experience.
Aside from the muni I am soliciting a new marketing peace corps volunteer to my site in November to work with a women´s group who makes jewlery and purses from recycling. It's a really cool project, and all the women are amazing, so I hope they get a positive response from peace corps. Right now I just help them out a little by selling their products in Antigua, but they could really use a good website, publicity, and more organizational support. The best part is all the profit goes straight to women to need it the most by teaching them this skill and at the same time cleaning up the environment.
Well I guess that's enough for now. It's time for my refraccion (or snack time!), hoep everyone had a great Easter!
Peace, Love,