Hey everyone! I really want to first thank everyone that I got to see while I was home, it was amazing. And to all those whom I didn't get the chance, no worries I won't be gone forever. Going home was great, and coming back was difficult but now I'm here and back in the swing of things.
The 15th of September we celebrated Central American Independence Day by going to the border of Copan, Honduras with all the kids who run a torch from there to Jocotan. Then I celebrated in a village named Morola in Comotan that was 2 hours in the back of a pick-up. It was a beautiful day and there were many bombas and piƱatas. Now back to work of course. I finally have the letter for the National Library signed by the mayor so that I can present it tomorrow in the City. Also, I have a Volunteer Advocacy Council meeting, which I am now a representative for my region, the Oriente. I was actually in the US for the election so Dan (a fellow volunteer) organized my campaign here, so aplause to Dan, many thanks! (even if noone else ran...)
Also a big thanks to the donations I've received from home for books for the Library! Every little bit helps and if anyone else would like to donate you can contact me or my mom or my grandmother. Also my birthday is coming up, so for those of you who maybe would have bought me a card save the 5 dollars it takes to mail the thing and donate it for a book.
Peace, Love,
What do I miss most... being dockside.