Hey, sorry it's been a while. Time has been flying by lately, and next week I come home! Lately I have been working with a youth citizen participation program with Save the Children. We are organzing different parties of youth and they are running campaigns in town, and on the 28th kids from the entire municipial (including the villages)will vote for their favorite to represent them all. This group of students will then present at the Municipal Council meeting next month about their needs and program ideas. This is a test program, and if all goes well will hopefully be applied to the whole country. These kids are so smart and this really gives them an opportunity to feel like their voice matters and be responsible for their community. I'm still waiting on grant stuff, which seems endless, borring, slow, and doubtful. Also I am writing to the National Library here for their help with books or really anything for our library here. If anyone that reads this blog has ANY books in spanish or knows of any programs to get books in spanish sent here, please let me know. We would also like to get 2 computers to have electronic enclopedias, dictionaries, and other resources. Recently I have also done some work for Esperanza para el Mundo, which worked on the playground project before. Tomorrow I leave for a conference with two local village leaders at the PC headquarters about community projects and resources. I think this could be their first time ever to Antigua, and is a great opportunity for them both, so that's exciting.
But the most exciting thing is that I will be home oh so very soon, even though it is only for 10 days...
Miss you all LOTS
Peace, Love,
PS The photo is from when I woke up at 3am with the rest of my local co-workers to serenade the mayor for his birthday... a cultural experience for sure